Sunday, October 2, 2011

4. Good Will Hunting- 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

Good Will Hunting is about a guy named Will Hunting (Matt Damon) who is a mathematical prodigy. He works as a janitor at a university and after solving a math equation that took a Professor named Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) years to finish, Gerald agrees to take him under his wing with the help of Sean Maguire (Robin Williams) who councils him. The movie has Oscar winning acting and is full on amazing movie quotes. As far as date movies go, this is probably the best of them, or at least in the top 3, even though it is considered a drama and not romance. Nothing really to complain about, but the romance part of the story was a little cliche but the way it was executed made up for it. It wasn't like the Lion King's "Romance", where the couple meet each other after not seeing each other for 5 years and fall in love and then in the same conversation break up and then get back together in the end of the movie. Also at some parts the music was kinda really awkward, which happened to be during the romance parts of the movie. I can't get over how much of an amazing job Robin Williams had done in the movie, and after a pretty emotional part I wanted to go into the movie and give him a hug and say it'll be alright. It is definitely a must see.

Favorite Quote: I cant put the full quote in because of spoilers, but here's the beginning.

Will: So, when did you know, like, that she was the one for you?
Sean: October 21st, 1975
Will: J**** C*****. You know the f*****' date?
Sean: Oh yeah. 'Cause it was Game 6 of the world series. Biggest game in Red Sox history 

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