Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1. The Help- 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

So I figured that I'd start out my reviews with a movie that's in theaters right now. The Help is about a girl named skeeter who writes a book on a group of African-American maids, who are refered to as "The Help." It was a very well made movie with superb acting by Viola Davis (Aibileen) and Octavia Spencer (Minnie), Emma Stone (Skeeter) did a great Job also but was outshined by Viola and Octavia. The only thing keeping it from a perfect score would be because I personally felt that it was a little hard to understand what they were saying in the first half of the movie, due to their heavy southern accents, but the second half I didnt have any trouble. I also had a bit of trouble understanding what was going on at a few parts, In particular when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and the only real hint that they gave to it besides the fact it was the same time period as when he died, was just that an officer says "Some n***** got shot." Other then that I would say The Help is the best of the movies so far this year and has my vote for best picture.

Favorite Quote:
Minnie: Minnie don't burn fried chicken.

1 comment:

  1. Loved, loved, loved this movie! Loved the acting--especially the maids! Great inspirational story! Great book too!
