Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3. Ninja Assassin- 1 1/2 out of 5 stars

So where do i begin? Acting was complete garbage, Raizo (Rain) showed almost no emotion. One of the worst acting jobs I've seen was preformed by Raizo's ninja lover who I was more then happy to see die. Mika (Naomie harris) did the best of all the actors in this movie but still was mediocre at best. I watched in 2D on my TV and due to the fact the real movie was intended to be in 3D, the CGI was one of the worst I've seen to date. The blood in the movie made me laugh about how stupid and unrealistic it was, literally looking like red paint. The story was as cliche as cliche can get, just from the title alone you can tell how bad the story will be. The only thing holding this movie from a 1 star rating was the cinematography, three scenes in particular. The first was a scene where Raizo had a ninja duel with flaming balls hanging from chains around them, the next is the scene above in the picture above where Raizo kicked ninja butt during the rain after killing a target, and the last was the duel between raizo and his master, where it projected their shadows against the Feudal Japanese house walls and blood (though laughable) would splatter on the walls. The twist at the end made me face palm, and I highly doubt that is actually possible, and that common.

Favorite Quote:
Tattoo artist: The Irizumi (Japanese Tattoo) does not hide the skin. The tattoo reveals the nature of the man and illuminate the four noble professions in the book of five rings: the warrior, the artist, the merchant, and the farmer. If there is a conflict between the needle and the skin, between the mark and the man, then perhaps the path you have chosen is not the path for which you're suited.

2. The King's Speech- 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

The King's speech was a wonderful movie. The movie is about the second son of King George V (Michael Gambon) who is nicknamed Berty (Collin Firth). He is asked to give a speech from his father but due to his stutter he fails at it, pretty epically to add. Bertie's wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) then seeks professional from Lionel (Geoffrey Rush) to help to train her husband in public speaking. Some of the best acting I've seen with my personal favorite of the cast being Geoffrey Rush, I would have liked to see a little more of Helena Bonham Carter tho. The biggest complaint I have is that the movie's climax being his final speech was honestly kind of dissapointing. Nothing really stuck for me in the speech and I felt it really wasn't that inspirational. I don't exactly agree it's deserving of the best picture award, but still it was a very very well made movie.

Favorite Quote:
Lionel: (As berty is lighting a cigarette) Please don't do that.
Berty: I'm sorry?
Lionel: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you.
Berty: My physicians say it relaxes the throat.
Lionel: They're idiots.
Berty: They've all been knighted.
 Lionel: Makes it official then.

1. The Help- 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

So I figured that I'd start out my reviews with a movie that's in theaters right now. The Help is about a girl named skeeter who writes a book on a group of African-American maids, who are refered to as "The Help." It was a very well made movie with superb acting by Viola Davis (Aibileen) and Octavia Spencer (Minnie), Emma Stone (Skeeter) did a great Job also but was outshined by Viola and Octavia. The only thing keeping it from a perfect score would be because I personally felt that it was a little hard to understand what they were saying in the first half of the movie, due to their heavy southern accents, but the second half I didnt have any trouble. I also had a bit of trouble understanding what was going on at a few parts, In particular when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and the only real hint that they gave to it besides the fact it was the same time period as when he died, was just that an officer says "Some n***** got shot." Other then that I would say The Help is the best of the movies so far this year and has my vote for best picture.

Favorite Quote:
Minnie: Minnie don't burn fried chicken.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jesse's First Blog

My name is Jesse and I love movies!  I have decided to watch 100 movies by next summer.  I will probably succeed in watching them by Christmas because I average a movie about every other day.  I have already watched 21 movies.  I have decided to start a blog so that I can review all the movies that I have watched.  Follow my blog for details on current as well as past hits.  I will evaluate them based on special effects, cinematography, acting, plot, action, originality, age-appropriateness, musical score, and more.  These reviews will be my personal opinion only based on the fact that I am a movie buff.  Feel free to post comments both supportive and against my post!  I'd love to hear from you!  You could also give movie recommendations for future posts.  Thanks for reading!