Monday, November 14, 2011

15. Immortals- 3 out of 5 stars

The obvious comparison for this movie would be 300, and honestly I found Immortals a lot more well made then it. The movie is about an evil man named King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) who wants to unleash the titans to start a war against the gods. The story then follows a man named Theseus (Henry Cavill), a simple peasant who fights against Hyperion's army. Acting was a bit above average, there was no scene that really showed off their acting abilities, while there really wasn't a scene that really showed how bad the actors were. The best part would be the action scenes, there is plenty of blood and gore and the use of slow motion was a good choice for them. Then there's the 3D.... honestly I found the addition of the 3D effect really showed the flaws in the CGI especially if there was a CGI background. For example a CGI cliff off of a mountain in the background with a person on said cliff. I will say though some of the scenes the 3D did help a bit, however I still think the 3D was unneeded. I don't really know how I would rate the soundtrack. It in no way shape or form killed the mood like in the latest predators movie, it was nothing outstanding, but it felt like the work of a new starting off composer who has much potential. Now back to the topic of 300, Immortals had a good amount pivotal action moments and I loved the choreography of them, but there wasn't any scenes as hilarious has the "This is Sparta!" scene. Like 300 if your girlfriend doesn't like action movies then you probably shouldn't take her to this one. The best way to put it, if you're looking for a good movie to go see for a guys night out, this ones a good choice.

Favorite Quote:
Theseus: Fight for Immortality!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

14. The Dark Knight 5 out of 5 stars

If you have not seen this movie yet, then there is something wrong with you. With the spot of #9 on the top 250 movies on IMDb, when I say perfect I mean it. The Story follows after the events of Batman Begins (I Recommend you watch Batman Begins first) with Batman (Christian Bale) rising in fame and inspiring many wanna be superheros to be vigilantes. That is when a man who calls himself The Joker (Heath Ledger) decides it's time for him to step in and cause a bit of anarchy. Hands down the best acting job ever by Heath Ledger, along with his catch phrase "Why So Serious?" I get shivers down my spine just thinking about how convincing and creepy The joker was in the movie, I loved the makeup they used on the Joker (Seen above) the only problem that I have is that I'm sick of all the casuals who tried to copy it for their Halloween costumes. But alas after Heath's death I don't think any man is worthy, let alone adapt enough to ever take on the role again. But that aside every cast member acted beautifully. I honestly feel a little bad for Aaron Eckhart who played Harvey Dent because his acting was so superb but was still over looked by Heath's. Hans Zimmer crafted every note into a masterpiece, as a musician myself I cannot get over how skilled Zimmer is at what he does. The cinematography was masterful in every aspect, I don't even know which scene I consider the best because even when you think you have the Joker figured out, Chris Nolan pulls something out of left field and you are left dumbstruck. The CGI used to make two-face's face was very well done as I know how difficult to make a computer generated human face. As I said before if you haven't seen it yet, turn off your computer right now, drive to your nearest Red box / Blockbuster and rent it this instant.

Favorite Quote:
The Joker: Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon's got plans. You know, they're schemers. Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.

13. Footloose- 2 out of 5 stars

So, basically the message of Footloose is that parents should be with with 1. Their kids smoking pot 2. Their kids drinking alcohol 3. Their 17 year old daughters having sex with 40 year old men 4. That if a child talks back and gets nasty with her parents they aren't allowed to smack them and 5. that the church should have no involvement in the government. As a Christian myself I hated just about every minute of this movie. Towards the end of this movie the main character uses scripture that supports dancing as a form of praise so as to justify their "Dance" that is nothing more then humping each other. The movie Follows a boy named Ren MacCormack (Kenny Wormald) who moves in with his Uncle Wes (Ray McKinnon) into a town where it is outlawed to dance. It then tells of his journey to rebel against their strict laws. Ariel Moore (Julianne Hough) plays the preachers daughter who is to put it bluntly, a complete tramp. At one point the characters race buses and since they don't have a green flag, she pulls her green shirt off and waves it around. The acting was decent, Kenny Wormald I thought did a really good job, but Julianne and most of the rest of the cast was less then impressive. As far as dancing goes, the first and last scenes were very well done, but every other dance in between mainly consisted of the kids humping each other, or just reflected someone who has anger issues. The main theme song for footloose is a classic, but none of the other tracks were memorable. If you are looking for a good movie to take your young elementary school girls I would highly recommend not seeing this one, but on the other hand, if you are a middle-school/ high-school girl who loves shows like jersey shore you will wanna see it.

Favorite quote:
 Rev. Shaw Moore: He is testing us. Our Lord is testing us.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

12. In Time- 1 1/2 out of 5 stars

The Ironic part about this movie is that it was about not wasting time. After watching it, I've lost 2+ hours of my life I'm never going to get back. The movie takes place in the future where time is the new currency. People age until they are 24 with which they then stay that age rest of their life, and then are given one more year to live after that. However with time being the currency, The rich basically get eternal life, while the poor die young. It then follows a man name Will Salas who is very poor, he then meets a rich man who gives him a "great sum of time" and simply tells him not to waste his time. Honestly just writing that summary it sounds good, but I place all the blame for this movie in the Director/Writer Andrew Niccol. The movie really didn't develop past the fact that time is money. I at least expected the movie to make me question whether I was really using my time efficiently, but besides the time puns, it really didn't develop more then a bank heist movie just have money swapped with time. The time puns weren't even so terrible they were funny, like what they were in Spy Kids 4, they were just really annoying and extremely unnecessary. On top of that the whole plot of the movie was very dumb and did not explain a lot of pretty important plot devices thoroughly. If you know me personally you will probably be laughing when I say Chris Nolan could have made it a masterpiece if he directed it. Acting wasn't too too bad but it was very clear that they didn't try. I know of what Justin Timberlake has done for social network and Cillian Murphy for Inception, so I know they are very capable actors. but I just put the blame of the acting in the fact that the actors were tricked into thinking it was gonna be good, and then just didn't try when they realized the movie was garbage. I liked some of the filters they used, but besides that nothing raised my attention visually. The choreography of the chase scenes was pretty dumb, one scene had Will Salas (Timberlake) and Sylvia Weis (Amanda Seyfried) run over spikes in the road in a convertible no less with the canvas down, then do multiple front flips, and then land on it's wheels, all while they weren't wearing seat belts. They both emerge with nothing more then a few scratches. All I can say is, don't waste your TIME with this sad excuse of a movie.

Favorite Quote:
Borel: What would you do if you had all this time?
Will: Well I certainly wouldn't waste it.